• Availability Line

    Professional - Male - 1
  • To help find you a great job, please call our Availability Line every day that you are available for work. Calling in "Available" is the most efficient and effective way to let your Staffing Consultant know that you are available and ready for work. When you call the Availability Line you will be asked to leave a short voice mail with your Name, the last four digits of your Social Security Number and your Phone Number. Please make sure to speak slowly and clearly.

    Please Note: This is only if you have already had an in-person interview with an Express Staffing Consultant. If you have not yet had an in-person interview, please call 903-592-9999 and ask for a Recruiter to get started today!

    The fastest and easiest ways to mark yourself available are: 

    1. Online through your profile (click here) or on the ExpressJobs app (click here)

    2. Send a text message to our Front Office Coordinators at 903-534-9512

    3. Leave a voicemail the Availability Line Number: 903-787-8818 (please make sure to follow the above instructions)

    Please call us if you have any questions or need help anytime! We love to hear from you: 903-592-9999.