5 Tips on Being More Assertive in the Workplace

  • 5 Tips on Being More Assertive in the Workplace

    Bend, OR - December 22, 2021

    2021-12 Employment Company in Bend OR Have you ever been told that you are just too nice by coworkers or managers when they notice you taking on a heavier workload than you can handle? If so, then a job company in Bend, OR is here with 5 tips on learning to be more assertive at work! 

    1) Set Boundaries. To set boundaries, you must understand your limits. Are you able to take on extra projects, or are you already at maximum capacity? This can be hard to discern on some days, especially when the work is piling up and deadlines are tight. That is why it is important to take some time every week to evaluate your current workload and what you can handle realistically. 

    2) Use "I" Statements. When you are feeling overwhelmed or taken advantage of, it can be difficult to assert yourself. One way to do this is by using "I" statements. For example, rather than, "You always make me work during lunch," you can say "I'm going to leave the office for my lunch break instead of eating at my desk from now on if I want to remain productive."  

    3) Keep a Record. It is critical that you keep a record of when tasks are assigned and due dates. This way, if someone asks for something outside of your regular workload, you will be able to refer to the record and say, "I can't take on that project right now, I'm already booked." 

    4) Stand Firm but Be Respectful. To be assertive means to express yourself confidently while still maintaining respect for the other person. This does not mean yelling or being confrontational, it simply means standing up for yourself and your beliefs. For example, "I understand that you need this project done by Friday, but I'm unable to have it ready by then." 

    5) Practice. Like anything else, assertiveness takes practice. The more times you find yourself in a situation where you need to be assertive, the better you will become at doing so. Practice being assertive when it comes to simple tasks, such as asking your roommate not to leave dirty dishes in the sink or requesting that the barista make your coffee to your liking. This way, when you need to be assertive at work, it will feel more natural. 

    If you can learn how to set boundaries and express yourself confidently, you will be less likely to feel taken advantage of and more in control of your workload.  

    Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in Bend, OR is a Full-service Staffing Agency that continually exceeds expectations by providing services to companies in our community while also helping job seekers find employment.  

    Express Employment Professionals of Central Oregon  
    61379 S Hwy 97  
    Bend, OR 97702  
    (541) 389-1505  