Filling Job Vacancies in Harlingen: The Hidden Costs For Your Business

  • Filling Job Vacancies in Harlingen: The Hidden Costs For Your Business

    Brownsville, TX - November 05, 2019

    Job Vacancies in Harlingen | Express Employment Professionals of Brownsville When many people think of filling job vacancies in Harlingen, they don't realize what a tremendous cost it can be to your business. The fact is, hiring new team members comes with all kinds of hidden and not-so-hidden expenses, from the effect it can have on maintaining client relationships to the drain it can have on your resources.  

    At Express Employment Professionals of Brownsville, we're acutely aware of the high price tag that comes with any new hire. That's why we assist businesses like yours in sourcing exceptional local talent in the area. We understand the cost of filling job vacancies in Harlingen, and we'll help your business minimize those expenses while still finding great new team members. 

    3 Hidden Costs When Filling Job Vacancies in Harlingen

    What are some of the hidden costs associated with job vacancies in Harlingen? Here are three to be aware of: 

    • The time cost.  It's estimated that most companies spend between 30 and 100 hours recruiting any new hire. From drafting an initial job application, reviewing candidate applications, verifying employment details, and more, this process takes precious hours away from the rest of your business. 
    • The personnel cost. When you don't have a dedicated HR division, your team is scrambling to fill the personnel gap caused by a recent vacancy. It's likely that you're devoting staff to vetting applicants, helping with interviews, and more. The overall cost can put a significant toll on your team.  
    • The turnover cost.  If you've ever had a new hire leave the position before one year is up, you know that turnover can be an enormous drain on your company. It can decrease morale and put your team at risk of burnout, without proper intervention.  

    Our Staffing Agency Can Save You Time and Resources Filling Job Vacancies in Harlingen

    When you get the dedicated support of our staffing agency, you can also reduce time and resources you spend on addressing any job vacancies in Harlingen. Our hiring team works closely with employers and job-seekers alike in Brownsville, South Padre Island, Weslaco, La Feria, the Rio Grande Valley, and the surrounding area. 

    With a rigorous hiring process that allows for detailed verification, candidate assessment, and pre-screening, we make sure that we're only bringing you our top picks for any job opening. 

    Need help with job vacancies in Harlingen? Just give the team at Express Employment Professionals of Brownsville a call: (956) 550-8510.