Job Search in DeKalb

  • Job Search in DeKalb

    Dekalb, IL - June 29, 2021

    Job Search in DeKalb | Express Employment Professionals Dekalb Why aren't I hearing back from employers? It's a big question we hear from people who are on the job search. At Express Employment Professionals DeKalb, we can help you find work in industrial, skilled trades, and office sectors. We can also answer questions you have about job-hunting, offer guidance on what employers are thinking, and otherwise help you thrive in the job market. 

    If you're not getting responses after sending out your resume, there may be an obvious answer. Your resume itself might be the problem. 

    3 Ways Your Resume Might Be Working Against You 

    Most people dread writing a resume, and it's understandable. Talking about yourself can be tough. But a strong, professional resume can make an enormous difference when you're looking for work. On the other hand, a poor resume can work against you. 

    Here are three questions to ask about your resume: 

    • How well is it organized?  Most employers are only going to take a quick scan through your resume. If your resume is hard to follow, they might have a good reason to disregard it. Ask yourself if your resume is well-organized and readable. If you have specialized certification or job-relevant training, is it easy to find on your resume? Use simple headings to help guide a potential reader.
    • Are you including accomplishments?  When you're listing out prior job history, you may be tempted to write out your responsibilities for each role-or to skimp on details altogether. But employers don't just want to see that you've worked in previous jobs. They want to see how you personally contributed. Try to identify at least one accomplishment for each job, so they can better envision what you bring to the table. 
    • Do you have any employment gaps?  Big gaps in employment, job-hopping, or too many qualifications may be subtle red flags for an employer. A company might wonder if you'll be satisfied with the job, even if there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for your work history. If you're dealing with any of these concerns during the job search, a professional introduction might make the difference. Express DeKalb can help with that. 

    Fast-Track Your Job Search in DeKalb, IL Today 

    With the hands-on support of Express DeKalb, you can fast-track your job search today. We have jobs available in manufacturing, admin, skilled trades, and other sectors in: 

    • DeKalb
    • Sandwich
    • Belvidere
    • Sycamore
    • Rochelle
    • And throughout the surrounding area

    Improve your job search today with help from experts. Start your online application with Express DeKalb or call us at (815) 986-9373.