Employment Services in Kalispell

  • Employment Services in Kalispell

    Kalispell, MT - April 22, 2022

    Employment Services in Kalispell | Express Employment Professionals Kalispell After social distancing measures were put in place, video conferencing took over many aspects of the business world, including the interview process. If you feel uncertain about how you'd fare during a video interview, our employment services can help you gain confidence. At Express Employment Professionals Kalispell, we offer services free of charge for job seekers that include plenty of resources and tips for doing well in interviews.

    Land a Job in Kalispell With These Video Interview Tips

    Whether you're a tech wiz or you're new to the world of video conferencing, you may feel nervous about a virtual interview. Here are some tips that can give you confidence before the big day and increase your chances of nailing your next interview: 

    • Know that body language matters.  Just as in an office environment, cues like posture and eye contact play a significant role in how you are perceived in a video interview. Avoid glancing around the room or through the window behind the computer, which could make it seem like you are easily distracted. Additionally, sit up straight and try not to fiddle with anything on your desk.
    • Take measures to prevent distractions.  We've all seen funny videos of children and pets interrupting important video interviews, but these distractions aren't so funny when they happen to you! Let everyone in your home know that you cannot be interrupted during the scheduled time, and take measures to keep pets out of your room.
    • Prepare your device for optimal performance.  Test out your micophone, speakers, and internet connection on the software you'll be using and familiarize yourself with important functions like turning your camera on and muting and unmuting yourself.
    • Keep calm when glitches occur.  Despite becoming commonplace nowadays, video conferencing still encounters constant glitches and hiccups. It's unlikely that your interviewer will be thrown off by a small blip here and there, so avoid feeling frazzled if you encounter some brief disruptions in the connection.

    How Our Employment Services in Kalispell Can Help

    Our employment services are focused on helping job seekers work on their own terms. As a result, we are ready to assist with every step in the job search, from perfecting your resume to improving your interview skills and connecting with the right company.

    You can get started with our free employment services in:

    • Kalispell
    • Flathead Valley
    • Columbia Falls
    • Whitefish
    • And nearby towns in the area

    Call Express Employment Professionals Kalispell today at (406) 257-2255 to learn more about the support available through our employment services!