3 Reasons To Use A Niagara Falls Recruitment Company in 2019

  • 3 Reasons To Use A Niagara Falls Recruitment Company in 2019

    North Tonawanda, NY - November 28, 2018

    Recruitment Company in Niagara Falls | Express Pros  The start of a new year is often a chance for business managers to take stock and see where your team is succeeding, and where they're falling short. For 2019, one easy goal to set is revolutionizing your hiring process. For most companies in the Niagara Falls area, sourcing new workers is a significant drain on resources. When you post on traditional job sites, you might have the problem of quantity over quality: a high volume of job applicants, but few strong candidates. At Express Employment Professionals Niagara, our recruitment company can help you change that for 2019. 

    How Our Recruitment Company can Bring Better Candidates For Hire

    For businesses in Niagara Falls, North Tonawanda, Lockport, Grand Island, and the surrounding communities, using our recruitment company typically means getting a higher standard of candidates applying for your jobs. Here's how we help make that happen: 

    • Get brand awareness.  If you're not getting the caliber of candidates you want, it might just be that job-seekers don't know enough about you. These days, ambitious job-seekers research companies online, using their social media presence, website, and feedback from former employees to help them determine if it's a good fit. If you don't have a robust online presence, don't worry: that's where we come in. As a recruitment company in Niagara Falls with a global presence, job-seekers who use our services know that the businesses we work with are trustworthy. 
    • Find passive hires.  In today's economy, it can be hard for job-seekers to leave the security of an existing job. That's how "passive candidates" happen: highly skilled, talented professionals who might be the perfect fit for your position, but who aren't actively seeking a job. Express Employment Professionals Niagara can help you access these exceptional candidates.
    • Find enthusiastic candidates.  It's one thing for a job candidate to be enthusiastic in an interview. But how do you know if they'll maintain that enthusiasm after two or three years at the job? Employee retention is often tied to expectations about the day-to-day realities of the position. We can have clear, frank conversations with candidates, setting expectations and vetting uninterested job-seekers. That way, when we bring you prospective hires, you'll know that they're enthusiastic candidates who are truly excited about the day-to-day of the job.  

    In 2019, let's work together to find the perfect hire. To enlist the services of our recruitment company in Niagara Falls, just call Express Employment Professionals Niagara at (716) 389-2901.