Don’t Limit Yourself: A Guide to a Successful Job Search

  • Don’t Limit Yourself: A Guide to a Successful Job Search

    North Portland, OR - July 25, 2023

    2023-07 - Full-Time Jobs in North Portland, OR
    Looking for a job can be a challenging experience. In today’s competitive market, there’s an abundance of online job portals and recruitment websites. It can be easy to lose yourself in the sea of job listings. A lot of people make the mistake of limiting their job search by only looking for a specific industry or location, making them miss out on opportunities they never considered. In this blog post, you’ll learn how to search job openings without restriction.

    Expand your Search Criteria  

    One of the biggest mistakes you can make during your job search is limiting yourself to one specific job title or industry. Although you might have a specific path in mind, it can be beneficial to broaden your search criteria. For instance, if you’re interested in marketing, don’t just look for marketing roles. Consider sales positions or public relations roles. This will widen your range of opportunities and help you find a job that suits your skills and interests.

    Go Remote 

    In today’s age, remote work is on the rise. It’s not necessary to stick to searching in a specific geographic location. Many companies offer work-from-home positions, meaning you can work from anywhere in the world. For example, you may live in Oregon, but with a remote position, you can be employed at an office in Florida. Opening up your search to include remote positions will give you many more options than if you only looked in one location.

    Recognize All Your Skills  

    Sometimes, people are on the job hunt because they decided they want to switch industries. If this is you, you might believe that the skills you have in your current job are only applicable to that industry. However, many skills can be transferable. For example, if you’ve been working in customer service, you can easily use that skillset in a sales or marketing role. Be sure to highlight your transferable skills and you’ll open yourself up to a wider range of jobs than you initially thought.


    Don’t make the mistake of limiting yourself during your job search. By expanding your criteria, considering going remote, and recognizing your transferable skills, you’ll find yourself on a much more successful career hunt. If you’re looking for more assistance, reach out to an expert in matching people to the perfect full-time jobs today!

    About Us:  

    Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in North Portland is a Full-Service Staffing Agency that continually exceed expectations by providing services to companies in our community while also helping job seekers find employment.

    Express Employment Professionals of North Portland, OR
    4790 N Lombard St
    Portland, OR 97203
    (503) 735-1200