Local Career Help Agency in Danville Illinois

  • Just Do It: Tackling Your Career Goals

    Danville, IL - March 03, 2023

    2023-02 - Local career help agency Danville IllinoisHave you set your career goals for this year but aren’t sure how you will obtain them? It is easy to get lost in the stress of balancing your day-to-day schedule while also trying to reach new goals you have set for yourself; however, a local career help agencyhas simplified a few easy tasks you can do to help you reach your goals. Let’s take a look at four actions you can implement into your life that will help you accomplish your goals.

    Attend Local Networking Events 

    Local networking events and conferences are a great way to get connected within the professional world and your industry specifically. Attending these events gives you the opportunity to make in-person connections with other professionals while also benefitting from the knowledge taught during the seminars. If you are hesitant to go alone, ask a few of your colleagues if they would be interested in attending as well, so you have a friendly face to make you feel more comfortable.

    Take Online Trainings 

    Living in a digital world has its benefits, and it includes having a large amount of training courses offered online. Online training courses allow you to work at your own pace and create a personalized schedule that works for you. These courses also give you the opportunity to expand your knowledge and distinguish yourself from your colleagues and competitors. Companies are always looking for employees who can bring more information to the table and add value to their staff. These training courses can give you the edge you need over others to reach your career goals.

    Create Short-Term Goals 

    Your career goals can seem like they are years away, so it is important to measure your success through short-term goals. Setting goals that are attainable in a short amount of time will allow you to stay on track to reach your long-term career goals. Creating these small milestones also gives you the opportunity to celebrate the work you are currently putting in and keeps you from getting discouraged when it seems that your overall goal is far away.

    Keep a Monthly Calendar 

    Keeping a monthly calendar is a great way to maintain your schedule and goal timeline. Life can get pretty hectic, and staying organized is essential when you have a goal in mind. Not only will it help you stay organized, but keeping up with a calendar will hold you accountable for the long and short-term goals you have set for yourself. If you find that you are not good at keeping a written calendar, try using your phone calendar or downloading a user-friendly planner app.

    Tackling your career goals can seem daunting, but if you attend local networking events, take online trainings, create short-term goals, and organize your monthly calendar, you will start to make major strides with your career goals. If you aren’t sure if your career path aligns with your long-term goals, reach out to your local temp centerto see if other opportunities would fit your needs better.

    About Us

    Express Employment Professionals in Danville, IL is a full-service staffing agency that offers a customized experience to eliminate stress and frustration by providing services in our community and by helping job seekers find employment proactively.

    Express Employment Professionals
    3160 North Vermillion Street
    Danville, IL 61832
    (217) 703-4156