5 Tips for Managing Remote Teams

  • 5 Tips for Managing Remote Teams

    December 09, 2020

    5 Tips for Managing Remote Teams Even before the pandemic, remote work was on the rise . But many employers have discovered the benefits of telework, which saves on office space expenses and commute time. Managing employees you never see brings a few challenges, though, requiring you to adjust your style to match. Here are five tips to help you make your remote management a success.

    Set Clear Expectations

    With remote workers, you won't have someone occupying a desk right in front of you eight hours a day. That means you'll need to shift your gauge of performance to outcomes, not what you see in front of you. Make sure each remote employee has a clear job description and follow up regularly on how they're doing. This will give employees the guidance they need to be efficient and productive.

    Create a Communication Strategy

    You won't pass your remote workers on the way to the break room. You can't simply call them to a conference room for a last-minute meeting, even if they're local. It can be easy to fall out of touch with them, especially if you don't set up a way to check in on a regular basis. By having a plan and disciplining yourself to stick to it, you'll reduce the risk that this neglect will happen.

    Use Video

    Yes, project management, chat, and messaging tools can be useful, but a lot can be lost in text. Even audio calls can be insufficient. Make a point to have regular video meetings with every member of your team, both as a group and individually. These regular check-ins can make a big difference both in team morale and helping you keep an eye on the mood of the team you manage.

    Encourage Employee Interaction

    Remote work can be isolating, especially if your team is spread out across the globe. You shouldn't be the only one staying in touch with each worker. Set things up so that they can interact with each other. If any of them live in the same area, look into coworking spaces you can rent for them to get together occasionally, if they choose, to have that camaraderie that means so much in an office environment.

    Don't Forget Fun

    When employees are remote, there's no break room or watercooler. You can't have pizza parties or Christmas parties. Schedule in virtual events like coffee chats or lunches where you all meet on video and interact. Make sure these meetups remain personal, steering clear of business talk to avoid it turning into yet one more work meeting.

    Express Pros specializes in helping businesses build the perfect team, whether they're remote, on-site, or a combination of both. If you're looking for a candidate, give us a call at (615) 441-8898 to find out how we can help you.