5 Tips for Working a Rotating Shift Schedule

  • 5 Tips for Working a Rotating Shift Schedule

    July 07, 2020

    5 Tips for Working a Rotating Shift Schedule Working the night shift is tough enough. But if you're one of the many workers with a shift that regularly changes, you face an all new set of challenges. You may work five 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. shifts one week, for instance, then switch to 3 p.m. to 3 a.m. the next. Some rotating shift workers have to endure a mix of different shift schedules within the same workweek.

    All that moving around can take a toll on your health. If you're tasked with a rotating shift schedule, though, there are a few things you can do to give yourself an advantage.

    Adjust Sleep Gradually

    If you're ending one rotation and moving to another, try to adjust your sleep schedule gradually, rather than abruptly switching. Hopefully, you'll have at least a couple of days off between the shift rotation. Use that time to adjust your bedtime and waketime so that when your first day on the new shift hits, you're already partly prepared.

    Eat Healthy

    What you put in your body is even more important when you're challenging it with changing sleep schedules. Resist the temptation to load up on fast food and snacks from the vending machine. Instead, make sure you have plenty of healthy snacks that you can pack in your lunch or grab as you're walking out the door.

    Find the Right Time for Caffeine

    When your schedule is constantly changing, it can be tough to figure out the best time to work caffeine in. Experts recommend consuming caffeine no less than six hours before you plan to try to sleep, but for best results, kick the habit altogether.

    Get Exercise

    A brisk walk around the building can do wonders for boosting alertness. As you feel your energy starts to drag, get up and walk around. If possible, listen to some energizing music through earbuds. Not only will you keep yourself awake, but you'll also be working in some valuable exercise throughout your shift.

    Schedule Downtime

    On your days off, you may feel tempted to cram in as many activities as possible. You've been working hard, after all, and you've probably given up luxuries like hanging out with friends or enjoying a good movie. But often you'll find changing shifts leaves you feeling drained. Make sure you build in a day to relax and catch up on sleep.

    A changing work schedule can do a number on your mind, but with a little practice, you'll start to fall into a rhythm. If you're looking for work, Express Pros can help you find the perfect job to fit your own scheduling needs. Call us at (615) 441-8898 to find out what we have available for you.