Community Involvement

  • Giving Back in Our Local Communities

    Whether we are helping people build their careers or their businesses, Express believes that hope is the foundation for a successful life.


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  • Express Employment Professionals give local kids early Christmas


    December 15, 2015


    A woman and a small girl hugging and smiling into the camera.A Santa Claus surrounded by two people, all smiling.Santa Claus hugging a young kid at a Christmas event.

    JACKSON, Tenn. — Christmas came a littler early for children Tuesday morning at Isaac Lane Technology Magnet Elementary School.

    Express Employment Professionals has been hosting an Angel Tree at the school since 2009.

    Express allows their employees, clients and friends to adopt an angel and give clothes, toys and school supplies to underprivileged kids at the school.

    “It’s not just about the gifts. It’s about everybody being here together,” Express Employment Professionals owner Susan Morris said. “It’s a real emotional time for us. It’s just a blessing — it’s more a blessing more to us than it is to them.”

    Express was able to give gifts to 36 children this year.



  • Our Success: Helping People

    Express Employment Professionals is active in its communities both nationally and locally through its franchise offices. Express gives back in order to help communities, organizations and individuals succeed. The Express corporate giving program reflects the company's vision to help as many people as possible find good jobs by helping as many businesses as possible find good people.

  • A Work of Heart