Submit Your Express Jacksonville West Associate Availability

  • Have you completed the interview process with Jacksonville West Express?

    Remember, we ask that you contact us at least ONCE A WEEK to let us know that you’re still available and looking for work!

    Submit Your Availability!

    Please call our office at (904) 644-7017 or click the link above to send us an email. Make sure to include the following information:

    • Email address

    • Date available to work

    • Last 4 numbers of SSN

    • Best phone number to reach you

    • If your address or phone number has changed, please let us know so we can get the correct information into our system.

    • Any additional comments.

  • Thank you for completing your Jacksonville West Express Associate Availability for this week! We’ll get back to you as soon as possible if a job opening becomes available that matches your skill set!