Our Recruiting Company in Ypsilanti: Tips For Remote Interviewing

  • Our Recruiting Company in Ypsilanti: Tips For Remote Interviewing

    Ann Arbor, MI - November 20, 2020

    Our Recruiting Company in Ypsilanti | Express Employment Professionals Ann Arbor If your business is transitioning to remote interviewing, you're not alone. Across the country, companies are seizing the many opportunities that come with video-interviewing, improving the overall caliber of candidates in the process. At Express Employment Professionals Ann Arbor, we have first-hand experience. Our recruiting company connects businesses with qualified, hard-working candidates in Ypsilanti. 

    It's important to recognize remote interviewing isn't the same as in-person interviewing. When you shift to interviewing by video or over the phone, you'll want to re-calibrate your process. Here's how. 

    3 Tips For Conducting Your Company's Remote Interviews 

    Remote interviewing can be tremendously rewarding. Your business can eliminate many of the logistics related to recruitment, and tap into a wider pool of prospective hires in Ypsilanti. To make the most of this process, here are a few tips from our recruiting company: 

    • Skip any group interviews.  When you're doing interviews in-person, it's very common to have more than one interviewer present. You'll want to skip this with remote interviewing. With more speakers, it's more likely for there to be interruptions, pauses, or other small issues which can throw your interview off-track. Instead, prepare questions in advance with your team. You can also record any video sessions to review with your team.
    • Make sure you're present.  When we're working from home, it's easier for disruptions to stack up without you noticing. Really try to minimize these: banish pets from the room while interviewing, put your phone on silent, and make sure your computer is cleared of any other browser windows. Pay attention to body language, too, since it's very easy to appear unfocused on video without meaning to. 
    • Give candidates time.  Most prospective candidates are going to need time to warm up. That's true in-person, and it's true on video, too. Instead of jumping right into your questions, allow for the same kind of small talk you might have in-person. Ask about weekend plans or share a story about your company. You want candidates to have a moment to get into the interview mindset before proceeding. 

    Find High-Quality Hires With Our Recruiting Company in Ypsilanti

    At our recruiting company, we connect you with top qualified workers in the region, including: 

    • Ypsilanti
    • Manchester
    • Saline
    • Ann Arbor
    • And throughout the surrounding area

    When you choose Express Employment Professionals Ann Arbor, we manage everything. From initial recruitment to rigorously vetting each candidate, we completely streamline the way you hire.  

    Find out how our recruiting company can handle your business needs. To speak to our team in Ypsilanti, call Express Employment Professionals Ann Arbor at  (734) 929-5093 .