Your Express Gresham team will take the time to understand your individual business needs without making you wait for your workforce. We connect you with screened and qualified local workers in a wide range of Professional, Light Industrial, and Office Services positions.
(Administrative)Clerical Positions, Receptionist,Customer Service Representative,Call Center, Office Manager, Data Entry,Executive Assistant, and more.
(Commercial) Assembler, Forklift Driver, Welder,Lathe Operator, Maintenance Worker,Shipping/Receiving Clerk, Warehouse Worker,Machinist, and more.
Accounting and Financial, Information Technology,Engineering, Manufacturing, Technical,Sales, Marketing, Advertising,Human Resources, Legal, Health Care Fields,Scientific Industries, and more.
Here at Express Gresham, we are committed to providing small and medium-sized businesses in our community with the staff they need to be successful by helping to meet demands, find quality employees, reduce turnover, improve workforce efficiency, and have quality staffing solutions ranging from temporary to permanent assignments. We work closely with you to meet all of the short-term and long-term goals of your business to increase growth and ensure success.
Your company relies on getting your workforce right the first time and when you need it. As a business owner, you don't have the time to double check that everything is going according to plan. This is where our Gresham team comes in and lightens your load. We conduct a comprehensive analysis of your company's needs and prioritize understanding every aspect of those needs to create a one-of-a-kind solution that works best for your business. Our employee screening process is ISO:9001 Certified, so we are held to a higher standard of excellence when it comes to your staffing placements.
Our goal is to provide the best workforce, recruitment, and human resource management solutions to businesses in Multnomah County by offering a reliable and qualified workforce to build your business's success. We give the utmost consideration to your employment challenges before we provide a custom solution for your business – and fast!
Whether you need to add staff for a short-term project or are looking for a full-time employee, Express can customize workforce solutions for your specific business needs. All employees are screened and evaluated to help assess their skills, abilities and culture fit before we send them to you. And, Express never charges a fee for our services to the people we place.
Temporary staffing solutions to address fluctuating business needs. Whether it’s for a few days or several months, you’ll have the staff you need, when you need them.
Express uses its extensive recruiting expertise to find and screen the best fit for your specific job requirements. Employees are placed directly with your company for a one-time fee.
A workforce solution that allows for an evaluation period to assess a potential new employee’s skills, expertise, and personality before you make a hiring decision.
Whether for career positions or contract work, our recruiters find the best candidates for your higher-level, specialized needs.
Find your ideal workforce with our short-term, long-term or full-time staffing in a wide range of Professional, Light Industrial, and Office Services positions. Our Gresham office has more than 10 years of experience in carefully selecting skilled employees for any position, so let us eliminate employment from your list company concerns. We perform the following tasks when meeting your business needs:
PLUS, where applicable to the requirements of the job:
Lower your turnover and costs and reduce hidden costs for your business! When you decide to work with us, we help you pinpoint the cause of turnover and retention problems with:
Keep your work flowing efficiently. Express Gresham helps your business to achieve optimal employment levels, while ensuring workers are motivated, screened, eligible and ready to work. Our workforce options to maximize productivity include: