Meet Emily Crookshanks, a seasoned educator hailing from the vibrant city of Tampa, Florida. Emily pursued her academic journey at both the University of South Florida and the University of Florida, where she honed her passion for teaching and learning. In 2019, Emily and her husband embarked on a new adventure, relocating to the beautiful coastal city of San Diego. More recently, in the summer of 2023, they found themselves drawn to the charming city of Mobile.
Emily's professional journey has primarily revolved around education, with an impressive 7-year tenure as a dedicated teacher. It was during this time that she discovered her affinity for the world of education recruitment, a passion that has led her to where she is today. Beyond her professional pursuits, Emily embraces the great outdoors with enthusiasm. You'll often find her kayaking through scenic waters, exploring hiking trails that beckon to be conquered, or enjoying leisurely strolls with her loyal companion, Bojangle, the dog. She's also an aficionado of the local culinary scene, frequently seeking out the latest and greatest coffee shops and restaurants.
Emily Crookshanks is a dynamic individual who brings her wealth of experience and infectious enthusiasm to every endeavor.