3 Tips to Take Control of Your Career Goals at Work

  • 3 Tips to Take Control of Your Career Goals at Work

    North Portland, OR - March 03, 2023

    2023-02 - Recruitment company in North Portland OregonHave you been waiting for the perfect opportunity to move up the corporate ladder, but haven’t been able to find one? Don’t wait for someone else to give you that golden ticket – take charge of your career and make things happen! Here are three tips from a leader in employment services on how you can take control of your career goals.

    Take the Initiative on a New Project 

    If you want to challenge yourself, show off your skills, and position yourself for a promotion, then taking on a new project can help you do just that.

    Look around the office for potential projects with high visibility and present them as ideas at team meetings. This will show your ability to think outside of the box and suggest innovative solutions.

    Before starting any project, though, make sure that it aligns with both your own goals and those set out by the organization. That way, everyone wins when the project is completed successfully!

    Pick a Training or Conference 

    It’s important to stay current in your industry if you want to remain competitive and relevant in the job market. Attend conferences or seminars related to your field – even if they don’t offer continuing education credits – as this will provide an opportunity for professional development while networking with experts in the industry.

    Conferences offer powerful learning experiences that can teach you things that no textbook can. Plus, having attended several top-tier conferences looks great on a resume too!

    Find a Mentor  

    Whether you are trying to overcome an arduous work-related predicament or striving for individual growth, searching for someone who has already navigated a similar journey can be unfathomably beneficial. This could be anyone from an old boss or colleague to an industry leader.

    A mentor can supply invaluable advice tailored specifically toward helping you reach those big career milestones - so don't forget them along your journey!

    So, if you're ready to move up in life and take control of your career goals at work, then these three tips from your local recruitment company should set you well on your way! Taking initiative on new projects shows innovation and ambition; attending training sessions helps keep current with industry trends; and finding a mentor provides invaluable guidance and accountability. With these tools under your belt, there's nothing left but success!

    About Us

    Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in North Portland is a Full-Service Staffing Agency that continually exceed expectations by providing services to companies in our community while also helping job seekers find employment.

    Express Employment Professionals of North Portland, OR
    4790 N Lombard St
    Portland, OR 97203
    (503) 735-1200