• Online Timecard Instructions

    1. Log onto your Express account @ expresspros.com or download the Express app.

    2. Go to “Review and Edit Timecards”


    3. Make sure you select the correct week ending date. Our weeks run Monday – Sunday so each week the date selected should be a Sunday. i.e if you worked Monday, June 14th – Friday, June 19th, you would select Sunday, June 20th for week ending. 


    *If you get an error message stating, “no assignments found”, contact your Express office* 

    4. Enter your start time, end time & any unpaid breaks (i.e. lunch break).


    **OT in NYS is based on any hours worked over 40 in a given week (not daily)**  


    • In the above example the associate worked a total of 44 hours for the week. The system will automatically calculate (CALC) your total hours for each day and for the week. 

    You will need to determine how many hours are considered RT (regular time) & how many hours are considered OT (overtime).

    • You will then enter your hours in either the RT column and/or the OT column. All hours should be listed as RT until you reach 40 hours. If you do not do this correctly the system will not process your timecard.

    In the above example, Monday was 10 hours, which will be listed as RT. Tuesday was 10 hours, which will be RT. Wednesday was 8 hours which will be RT and Thursday was 8 hours which will be RT. Friday was 8 hours, which gives us a total of 44 hours for the week. 40 hours was reached on Friday so Friday you would list 4 hours as RT and 4 hours as OT. 

    • Enter your hours each day and click “save”
    • Do not click “submit” until the end of your work week. Once you click submit the Digital Signature & Acknowledgement block will display. Read & acknowledge the form, check the “accept” checkbox, then clock “ok. 

    **Hours MUST be submitted by Sunday at midnight or you may not get paid on time**

  • The ExpressJobs App Makes Time Keeping Easy! (Exact Time version)

  • The Express Workforce Portal Makes Time Keeping Easy!