Employer FAQ

  • Your Questions Answered

    We know many of you have full days, investing time and energy into helping your businesses run smoothly. That's why we've put together a list of our commonly-asked questions from our clients, so you have a ready reference available when you need it. We're also happy to hear from you - give us a call or send us an email , if you would like to chat.


  • Express Has People Your Company Needs

  • On a Mission to Put a Million People to Work

  • Employer FAQ

    Q. Can I contact you outside of office business hours?
    A. We have an after-hours service available evenings and weekends. Call our main office phone number, 519-251-1115, dial 1 and leave a detailed message – this will be the fastest way to get a response.  
    Q. In what situation can I call the after-hours phone line? 
    A. Calling the after-hours line is necessary for all workplace accidents or for late notice cancelations.

    Q.  How do I report attendance issues?   
    A. Call the main office number to report absenteeism Monday-Friday 8am-5pm.  After hours, call 519-251-1115 and dial 1 for after hours response. This is available from 5pm-10pm on weekdays and 6am-8pm throughout the weekend.

    Q. When is payroll due? 
    A. Payroll is due by end-of-day (5pm) on Mondays for the previous week’s hours.  

  • Have more questions? Contact an Express representative. We're here to help.