• A Peacock in the Land of Penguins: Harnessing the Creativity of Differences

    This training session, based on the corporate fable, A Peacock in the Land of Penguins - A Tale of Diversity and Discovery by Barbara "BJ" Hateley and Warren H. Schmidt, explores what it means to be "different" in a world that values conformity, stability, and tradition.

    It will open your eyes on ways to infuse more creativity, tolerance, and innovation in your organization, in addition to helping you foster teamwork in a diverse workplace. This entertaining workshop focuses on creating a service culture where individual contributions are appreciated and team members feel comfortable in challenging the status quo.

    Being "different" is much more than a matter of race and gender. It invokes a wide range of qualities - personality, work style, perception, values, lifestyle, work ethic, and communication style. Valuing diversity is about recognizing and encouraging people for who they are and helping them to develop to their full potential using their own special talents, skills, and abilities.

    Is your current workplace an environment where new ideas and the flexibility to change can flourish? A Peacock in the Land of Penguins will teach you how to welcome "birds of a different feather" to your organization and use their differing viewpoints to take your business to the next level of success.