• Preparing For The Millennial Invasion

    Do You Change Them, Ignore Them, or Join Them?

    In ten short years, 75% of the U.S. workforce will consist the millennial generation otherwise labeled as lazy, unfocused, entitled, coddled, needy and life of texting. For organizations to maintain their status as “employers of choice” they must embrace the need to overhaul their recruiting and retention programs thus attracting millennials to stay beyond their average of two years per job.

    During this interactive session we will discuss:

    • Myths and facts of millennials
    • Five keys to millennial engagement
    • Best practices for motivation
    • Why their addiction to cell phones and technology benefit organizations
    • Why the 8-5 schedule is a dinosaur 
    • Eight recruiting tips to attract the most talented

    The facts will confirm millennials will take organizations to new heights.  They seek challenges and their thirst for technology will redefine time management.  Companies are faced with an immediate choice to expand their culture to attract and retain this generation or to fall behind and lose the opportunity to lead organizational change.  The answer lies in the ability to influence Millennials but also allowing them to influence managers.  It’s not that difficult because Boomers and Gen X’s were faced with similar issues and it’s hard to tell them apart today.

    Be prepared to recognize the vast differences in your workforce in an informative and entertaining approach which borders hilarity at times.  And yes, you may be shocked to hear what millennials say about the “old” generations.