• The Most Valuable Leadership Tool you will own is a Mirror

    Building on the competencies you’ve already mastered

    There have been more than 500,000 leadership books written in the past century and most are based on a large variety of leadership models encompassing up 50 or more competencies. With leadership becoming situational due to constant change you must be capable of adapting your leadership style to maximize your organization’s effectiveness. Adapting yes, changing no. All leaders have specific competency strengths which define their success. Successful leaders build upon their natural strengths vs. trying to change to a leadership style that is un-natural.  

    This session will help you identify the 4-5 competencies you already excel at and to continue to apply them during changing environments. Rely on you natural leadership style and strengths to inspire your people while winning their hearts and souls and obtaining results.

    However, many leaders fail due to trying to implement a style that is not natural to their beliefs thus creating confusion and inconsistency resulting in loss of talent. 

    We will discuss the greatest challenges today’s leaders (supervisors to executives) face and how we must transition from a concept of leadership is something we do “to” others  to a concept of leadership is something we do “with” others.