• Express Speaker Russ Lissuzzo Banner
  • “Knowledge is the most
    cost-effective tool there is.”


    Russ Lissuzzo is the Vice President of Legal and Assistant General Counsel for Express Employment Professionals and a frequent speaker at industry events. Challenged daily with staffing, contracting, and human resources issues from across the country, he has in-the-trenches experience in workforce compliance. Lissuzzo’s passion for protecting employers and employees alike brings vibrancy to his presentations.

    Lissuzzo joined Express in 2013 with more than 25 years of private practice experience, serving a wide variety of clients in various matters. In addition to practicing law, he was an adjunct professor at the University of Central Oklahoma.

    A native of Chicago, Lissuzzo earned his business pre-law degree from Bowling Green State University and a law degree from Oklahoma City University.

    Lissuzzo has been a member of the Oklahoma Bar Association, the Oklahoma County Bar Association, and the Texas Bar Association. Additionally, Lissuzzo served on a panel for Lockton Companies contingent workforce and staffing forum.

    Lissuzzo has served the Oklahoma City community as a board member of Infant Crisis Services, as well as the Oklahoma Soccer Association.

    His speaking engagements include presentations at international and regional franchise meetings, Lawyers in the Classroom for the Oklahoma Bar Association, and franchise owner meetings on topics that range from workplace compliance and regulatory change to legal trends.

  • Russ Lissuzzo's topics include the following and can be customized for your audience:

    14X14_Leadership_PURPLE  Workforce Compliance
    14X14_Leadership_PURPLE  Regulatory Change
    14X14_Inspiration_GREEN  Legal Trends

    14X14_WorkforceManagement_RED Workforce Management  14X14_Business_BLUE Business