• America Employed
  • Express Employment Professionals explores the state of employment – and unemployment – in the United States today through a series of reports called America Employed. Each edition of America Employed focuses on a different aspect of who gets hired in America and why.

  • White Papers

    A white paper is an authoritative report that helps readers better understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision. White papers are a great way to provide value-added information on issues and challenges your business may be facing, positioning you as a local business expert.

    New white papers will be added periodically, so be sure to watch the Express Newsroom for new releases.

  • Express Videos

    Foundation of Hope

    For over 25 years, the vision of Express has been to help people find jobs and help businesses find the people and human resource services they need.

    Putting A Million People To Work

    Express Employment Professionals is one of the top staffing companies in the U.S. and Canada. Every day, we help people find jobs...

    The Express Hiring Process

    Over the past few years, Express Employment Professionals has put over a million people to work. And we're on a mission to help a million more.

    Express Knows Jobs

    This is you: a strong work ethic. Takes pride in a job well done. Sweats over the details. Now all you need is a job. Express knows jobs. Get to know Express.

    A Work of Heart

    For over 25 years, the vision of Express Employment Professionals has been to help people find jobs and help businesses...

    No Fee Job Search

    There are no fees to find a job through Express Employment Professionals or work as an associate. As one Express associate said...